Kurt Robertson Enterprises
Kurt Robertson Enterprises
Wankels' to Offenhausers'

About Me
Kurt Robertson Enterprises was founded on performance based results.
My mechanic career began at the Indianapolis 500 as a engine and gearbox man for the #17 Vollstedt Enterprises Entry
After completing the two year automotive program at Sylvanias' Portland Community College in one year, Senior Indy car builder Rolla Vollstedt initially hired me to run a 1978 AJ Watson-Offy "T" car for the 1983 500 , but I ended up on the #17 Vollstedt- Offy. After the "83 500" Rolla then helped me join multiple west coast venues with team owners Dick Simon of Dick Simon Racing, Andreaus LeBerle of Project Indy and Antonio Ferrari of Euromotorsports. Most these chassis were modern day March or Lola T-9300 chassis powered with DFX Cosworth, Buick Turbo V6, Stock block Chevrolet , Mercedes or Honda. All were injected, all were turbo and all were in excess of 1000 horsepower.
Chapter 6 Vollstedt Book

Rookie Orientation April 1983
I not only helped field Raul Boesels' Indy car in the first Portland CART 200 , but helped Rolla promote the idea to the Rose Festival asssociation in 1983. In 1983 we ran an indy car exhibition at PIR- our car said Portland 84? on the side pods
Dick Simons Crew ran the fastest pit crew times in downtown Portland in 1984.
Vollstedts old crew ran fastest @ 12.95 seconds for 40 gallons of fuel and two right side tires changed- I was the anchor man (right
rear), Furthest away from the wall with the heaviest tire
Rolla also helped me to retain the rotary shop next door to him in Beaverton Oregon, formerly known as Jim Miller Mazda Repair.
I promptly copied Rollas' business name and called it-

Kurt Robertson Enterprises.

While my fledgling shop was being established, I was contracted by multiple Chrysler, Chevrolet and Mazda dealership networks in Portland and became trained in SET (Specialized Electronics Training). In order for dealers to get their new computer controlled cars in 80s and 90s they needed a certified SET tech on site, That was me for one month every year.
Thruout the years I have grown to dislike over engineered electronics and often refer to new cars as PFM cars (Pure Flippin Magic)
-Electronically controlled engineering marvels!
By the late 80s the only dealership I continued to service and retain was Portlands' most exclusive collectable car dealer. They had an entire collection nationally known as Tindles' pre owned cars on Canyon Road. Bob and Terry Tindle became very good customers and they had me driving on any given week a Pantera to lunch, a Tri Power Pontiac to dinner and a Split window home- Cobras were fun as well but squirlly.
Meanwhile Vollstedt was storing the 200MPH record breaking 1980 Red white and Blue March Cosworth driven to a closed curcuit record the Tom Sneva Texaco Star in my shop and I was dabbling in the formula atlantic series fielding cars with rookies who went on to retain indy rides.
My attention to build rotary engine exclusivly was developed during the late 80s' and I developed a blend of parts from OEM Mazda and Atkins Rotary, combined with a better than Mazda standards specifications.
I experimented with a bunch of port designs before settling on a reliable port design to produce a strong and smooth performing rotary engine.
You will not find a showroom at Kurt Robertsons' nor will you pay for one.

A lot has changed since the 80s. . . . . . .
- In 1987 I moved to a centrally located community called Molalla.
Twenty miles from both Salem, Oregon
and Portland, Oregon.

- Rotary shops Jim Miller Mazda, Auto World, Brapp Industries, Rotaries Plus and Mazda Center came and went in the Northwest
- Rotary cars started io disappeared one by one
- Performance based results
- Low overhead philosophy
- Rotary rebuilds
- And my phone number 503-829-6054-
P.O. Box 60
Molalla Oregon 97038
Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 3:00
Sat: 7AM - 4PM Pacific Standard Time
Sun: Closed- In Church
Location- we moved to a 6000 square foot warehouse!